Analyst Coverage

List of Analysts

As of January 31, 2024

Company Name (Alphabetical order) Analyst Name
Daiwa Securities Capital Markets Co. Ltd. Satoru Sekine
Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd. Kazuki Furuyama
Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities Co., Ltd. Katsumi Arai
Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. Kyoichiro Shigemura
Okasan Securities Co., Ltd. Keisuke Iwafuchi
SMBC Nikko Securities Inc. Hirofumi Oda

This list is made according to Company policy and is based on information available as of the time of its posting. Consequently, let it be known that there may be analysts who are not included in this list and that there is the possibility that all of the latest information may not be represented herein.

Analysts, irrespective of those who are listed or not listed above, make their own independent regular and irregular analysis of the Company’s performance, business, services and technology. In no way whatsoever does the Company or the Company’s management influence these determinations.

This list is offered with the sole intent of informing shareholders and investors of the analysts who conduct forecasts and analysis of the Company’s performance. The Company does not encourage forecasts or analysis by these analysts. Please rely on your own judgment and responsibility for final decisions with regard to investments.